The Identity Shifting Morning Practice

Hey there conscious creator!

Welcome to a special “Identity Shifting” edition of the You Are A Conscious Creator Newsletter. That’s right. This edition is all about Identity Shifting!

What exactly is Identity Shifting?

Identity Shifting is intentionally redefining your self-concept—how you see yourself and your beliefs about who you are to align with the person you want to become.

You might be wondering, “Why would I want to change who I am?”

Well, reality is merely a mirror—and our inner world creates our outer experiences.

At the heart of Identity Shifting is the idea that your identity dictates your actions, behaviors, and ultimately, the outcomes you experience in life. So if you want to manifest more desirable and fulfilling experiences in life, you have to transform a part of who you are on some level. To dive deeper, you can explore my Ultimate Guide to Identity Shifting.

For this edition, I’ve switched up the format a bit. Today I offer you, what I’m calling:

  • One Insight.
  • One Practice.
  • One Quote.
  • One Question.

Each of these elements is centered around the theme of Identity Shifting, designed to inspire and guide your manifesting journey.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to hit reply and let me know.

Also, if you’re interested in getting a discount on my upcoming Identity Shifting program, you can take this two-minute survey. Or, you can get it for FREE by jumping on a call with me to talk about your challenges —though only two spots remain.

One Insight.

You Are Your North Star

We don’t have to move heaven and earth to manifest positive experiences in life. Though it feels like a monumental feat to go from where you are now to where you want to be, the gap is not as wide as you think—and actually, you’re closer than you realize.

That’s because it’s all inside you.

It always starts with your identity, putting all your focus on the person you want to be in every given moment.

Not sure what that is?

Take all your goals, all the problems you want solved, and every conceivable desire you have from every area of life, and merge them.

What does that look like? Who is that person?

See that person.
Connect with their energy.
Feel every aspect of their being.

How do they think, feel, and act?

Resonate on all levels with that person until they become intimately familiar.

That's your real goal.

That's your true North Star.

One Practice.

Identity Shifting Morning Meditation

The challenge of shifting your identity is daily embodiment—consistently aligning yourself with the qualities, attitudes, mindsets, and behaviors of the person you want to be throughout your day.

The way you do that is by consistently impressing this new version of yourself onto your subconscious mind.

Below are the steps to the identity-shifting meditation I created for myself—a practice that has been part of my morning routine for the past several years. The goal of this practice is to make your new future identity extremely familiar to your subconscious while priming your mind, body, and heart to maintain this alignment as you begin your day.

1. “What is the greatest expression of myself?”

To begin this practice, find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and relax your body in whatever way feels natural to you. I like to use heart breathing where I put my attention on my heart, slow down my breathing, and imagine my breath flowing in and out of my heart.

Once you feel ready and your body is relaxed, ask yourself: “What is the greatest expression of myself?” Drop it in slowly and lovingly. Ask it again and again, as many times as you feel compelled to, and simply listen.

Don’t try to answer this question with your mind; instead, answer it with your heart. If you get distracted, just return to the question again.

2. Affirm your identity statement.

Your identity statement is a powerful, personal "I am" mantra that declares who you are. It succinctly affirms the highest version of yourself and deeply resonates with your core being.

To craft your own identity statement, consider these questions:

  1. Who do I ultimately want to be, and how do I envision spending my time as this new version of myself?
  2. What is the vibe or specific qualities I exhibit when I am this person, doing what I do?
  3. What are the experiences I create by being this person?

Keep your statement concise and something you can easily memorize.

Now, back to the meditation, in this step, repeat your identity statement in your mind or aloud with conviction at least five times.

3. Declare your worthiness.

Put your attention on the area of your heart and call to mind that future desired self. Then, repeat the following three statements, filling in the blanks according to your identity statement:

  • I deserve to have/be... ______________
  • I am capable to have/be... ______________
  • It is possible for me to have/be... ______________

For example, if your identity statement is: “I am a successful entrepreneur with a thriving business that creates a life of freedom, joy, and abundance," you might say:

  • I deserve to be a successful entrepreneur with a thriving business that…”
  • I am capable to be a successful entrepreneur with a thriving business that…”
  • It is possible for me be a successful entrepreneur with a thriving business that…”

Repeat these statements as many times as it feels right, allowing yourself to truly feel and believe in your worthiness.

4. Ask lofty questions.

A lofty question is a positive affirmation reframed and supercharged as a “why” question. So instead of saying: “I am so confident” or “I am so creative and brilliant”, you ask your subconscious mind:

  • “Why am I so confident?”
  • “Why am I so creative and brilliant.”

However, you want to ask lofty questions that are situational specific and charged with emotion. Meaning, they should directly focus on how you want to feel in the given area of your life, or at least implied in the question. So, instead, you would ask:

  • “Why am I so confident and relaxed around all people and in all situations?”
  • “Why am I always finding creative and brilliant solutions to life’s problems?”
  • “Why is my entire life filled with avalanches of abundance?”
  • “Why is doing my work so effortless and blissful?”

Create a list of 20-30 empowering lofty questions that align with your identity. During this step of the meditation, drop these questions into your subconscious mind. But don’t just simply repeat them. Remember, you are asking a question. Ask it like you genuinely want an answer. Be inquisitive.

To learn more, check out this Ultimate Guide on Lofty Questions.

5. "How do I want to think, feel, and act today?"

Finally, in the last step, you turn your attention to the day ahead and ask yourself: “How do I want to think, feel, and act today?”

In other words, who do you want to be as you engage with your day? What do you want to embody?

You can consider your day as a whole or focus on one or two specific upcoming segments. Think about how you want to show up in these moments. This could be an important appointment or a situation that typically causes you to fall unconscious and return back to the old self.

The goal here is to set the intention to think, feel, and act like the person you want to be ahead of the actual event.

• • •

That’s it for the practice!

Incorporate these five steps into your morning routine in whatever way feels natural to you. Over time, you'll be training your subconscious mind to default to this new version of yourself. And most of all, have fun with it and explore.

P.S. I’m considering recording this as a guided meditation or maybe holding a live virtual session of this practice. Let me know if you'd be interested in either option.

• • •

One Quote.

Extending The Boundaries of Self

Leave the door open for the unknown, the door into the dark. That’s where the most important things come from, where you yourself came from, and where you will go. Three years ago I was giving a workshop in the Rockies. A student came in bearing a quote from what she said was the pre-Socratic philosopher Meno. It read, “How will you go about finding that thing the nature of which is totally unknown to you?”
I copied it down, and it has stayed with me since. The student made big transparent photographs of swimmers underwater and hung them from the ceiling with the light shining through them, so that to walk among them was to have the shadows of swimmers travel across your body in a space that itself came to seem aquatic and mysterious.
The question she carried struck me as the basic tactical question in life. The things we want are transformative, and we don’t know or only think we know what is on the other side of that transformation. Love, wisdom, grace, inspiration — how do you go about finding these things that are in some ways about extending the boundaries of the self into unknown territory, about becoming someone else?

— Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost

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One Question (And Parting Words).

Your "One Thing"

2024 is two-thirds complete. Before you know it, this year will be a goner. Soon, we’ll be ushering in a new year with all new hopes and dreams. So as you stand at the dawn of September, with four months still left in this year, my question for you is:

What’s your “one thing?”

Your “one thing” is the single most important focus at any given moment: the key area that, if given energy to, will have the most upside in your life, propelling you closer to the person you truly desire to be.

The beauty of this question is that you can approach it from many angles. It prompts you to turn on your awareness and investigate where you are right now in your life and what you most need at this moment.

For example, you can start by asking: What's the one single pursuit, that if I focused on fully would transform my life the most?

Or, you can get more granular:

  • What’s one skill I need to learn…
  • What’s one person I need to forgive…
  • What’s one energy I need to let go of…
  • What’s one attitude I need to embody…
  • What’s one specific area I need to grow in…
  • What’s one project or goal I need to complete…
  • What’s one thing I'm resisting that I need to accept…

Whether we realize it or not, for better or worse, we’re always just “one thing” away from changing our lives.

So what’s your “one thing?”

With gratitude. ✌🏼

If you have any questions, feedback, or want to share some of your own insights, feel free to hit reply and let me know. I read and reply to every email.

As always, remember:

You are a Conscious Creator of your reality!
Keep creating your best self!


Anthony V. Lombardo
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P.S. Take my short Meditation Survey. 🧘🏻‍♂️

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Inspiration and wisdom to help you navigate your path and consciously create a life of meaning, purpose, and one that you absolutely love.

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