Mindfulness will only get you so far...

Hey there conscious creator!

Mindfulness is everywhere in the personal development world. It's become a buzzword you can't avoid.

When I had my first spiritual awakening back in 2018, I dove headfirst into reading as many books as I could on spiritual growth, binging YouTube videos from the likes of Ram Dass, Joe Dispenza, Eckhart Tolle, Tara Brach, and countless others. As a “newbie” to spiritual growth, my initial impression was that mindfulness was the key—that cultivating awareness and learning to become present would be my ultimate salvation to heal my past, break limited patterns of behavior, and lead me to the life I desired.

But let me tell you, that's only part of the story.

And, if I may be so bold...

(Great spiritual teachers and gurus, please forgive me for saying this...)

There’s an inherent limitation to traditional mindfulness.

Yes, we all must continually strive for awareness, seeking to understand the roots of our pain and suffering through the cultivation of mindfulness. But what if, despite our best efforts, we’re still stuck in old patterns, repeating the same behaviors that keep us from the life we truly desire and the person we want to become?

In my latest essay, I explore why simply becoming mindful of our emotional states isn't enough to create lasting personal change, and the crucial next step we must take to consciously create the life we want.

It’s time to move beyond the stories of your past, rewire your mind, and step into your true potential. Awareness is just the beginning.

Want access to my upcoming Identity Shifting Course at an incredible discount when it's released?

All you have to do is take this quick survey. It should only take a few minutes of your time.

Better yet, get it for FREE... if you are willing to get on a call with me and talk about your challenges. Only 3 spots are left. Just hit reply and I'll send you the details.

Thanks to all who responded. I will be in touch soon.

// A Simple Tool To Create More Mental Clarity 🔦

"Can I Be The Space For This?"

We've all faced that moment—a phone call from someone who drains your energy. You hesitate, caught between the guilt of ignoring it and the dread of answering.

Eckhart Tolle offers a simple yet powerful tool to navigate such situations of tension and anxiety: "Can I be the space for this?" This practice involves recognizing your internal conflict, pausing to center yourself, and asking this crucial question.

Here’s how to apply it:

  1. Pause and recognize the tension within you.
  2. Open yourself to the feelings without judgment.
  3. Ask yourself, "Can I be the space for this?" to create a moment of clarity to rest your awareness in.
  4. Respond from this state of awareness, instead of reacting out of emotion or habit.

By doing so, you detach from the story in your mind and shift into clarity. That simple question becomes a way to reset your thoughts and emotions to help you gauge whether you indeed “can be the space” for whatever you're encountering.

So in the unwanted phone call scenario, you can consciously choose to answer and set boundaries for the conversation, or maybe you decide to call back later when you feel more emotionally equipped.

Source: Eckhart Tolle’s Simple Tool To Navigate Tension: “Can I Be The Space For This?”

// Thought Experiment 💭

Do You Really Want What You Desire—or Freedom From Craving It?

Imagine you have a magic wand that grants you one of two outcomes.

Outcome #1: At some point, your deepest desire will come true. You'll get what you’ve been longing for—maybe tomorrow, maybe a year from now, or even ten years down the line. You don’t know when or how, but eventually all the mental and and emotional energy you've been expending towards this goal will pay off and it will happen.

Outcome #2: With a flick of the wand, that desire vanishes completely from your life. You no longer yearn for it, think about it, or care about it. It’s like it never existed.

Which would you choose?

The point of this exercise isn't to eliminate your desires. After all, desire is the bedrock for manifestation—without it, we can't create true change in our lives. Instead, to find balance, we can embrace the “Middle Way”—engage with our desires without being controlled by them.

Assess your life honestly: Are your ambitions overwhelming you? If so, maybe it’s time to step back, quiet the noise, and find wisdom in letting go.

Source: Ask Yourself This One Question to Liberate Yourself From the Rat Race

// New Meditation 🎧

Meditation for Fulfillment and Finding Purpose: Discover Meaning in Being Alive

Are you merely going through the motions, taking life for granted? There are times in our lives when we feel aimless and devoid of purpose. And we often look outside ourselves for meaning and fulfillment, overlooking the abundance within and around us.

In this meditation, we will rediscover purpose, meaning, and fulfillment by experiencing the profound improbability and preciousness of simply being alive. No formal meditation experience is required; we will simply sit and connect with childlike wonder with existence itself, and leave motivated to experience every moment we have wholeheartedly.

Listen to the Meditation

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// Parting words

And finally, the easiest way to get into a meditative state, according to philosopher Alan Watts:

Meditation is the way in which we come to feel our basic inseparability from the whole universe, and what that requires is that we shut up. 🤐

With gratitude. ✌🏼

If you have any questions, feedback, or want to share some of your own insights, feel free to hit reply and let me know. I read and reply to every email.

As always, remember:

You are a Conscious Creator of your reality!
Keep creating your best self!


Anthony V. Lombardo

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P.S. Take my short Meditation Survey. 🧘🏻‍♂️

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You are a Conscious Creator!

Inspiration and wisdom to help you navigate your path and consciously create a life of meaning, purpose, and one that you absolutely love.

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