Is your subconscious mind holding you back?

Hey there conscious creator!

Take a look at this quote — which is one of my all-time favorites:

Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up.
This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood.
This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall.
This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.
— Terence McKenna

If you read between the lines here, this quote provides a clear blueprint for how we can get the Universe to respond to our desires.

Did you catch it?

Lately, I have been exploring this idea of “stepping into the unknown” as the pathway to manifestation. I've always understood this conceptually, but it wasn't until one morning during meditation that it truly resonated with me. It was like "something" whispered in my ear:

Doing the same damn thing you’ve always done is not going to get you that grand vision rattling around in your head. And expecting it to do so is a classic form of self-sabotage.

Meaning, if you want to manifest something new, something awe-inspiring, something greater than you are right now and that propels you towards fully stepping into the person you desire to be with the life you desire…

You have to step into the unknown and go beyond your familiar state of being!

Essentially, this is what manifestation and Identity Shifting are all about—revealing a greater potential that’s already buried inside you.

However, those potentials can only blossom in the unknown. As Dr. Joe Dispenza aptly states:

The best way to predict your future is to create it, not from the known, but from the unknown. When the mind is open to the unknown, it can imagine all possibilities.”

We all heard some version of this idea thousands of times, such as Neale Donald Walsch's famous line: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

But this doesn’t just make for a nice Instagram quote. We have to summon the courage to live these words!

We have to back up all our hoping, wishing, and praying by putting our money where our mouth is, so to speak. We have to let the Universe know we’re serious about what we claim we want by hurling ourselves into the “abyss,” as Terence McKenna eloquently put it.

That means breaking some part of your familiar routine by taking unfamiliar action. But more importantly, it requires you to do what scares the daylights out of you. Like Joseph Campbell once wrote:

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.

Trust me, I know, it’s easier said than done.

So, the question for all of us becomes:

  • How do we step into the unknown and actually have the nerve to do something that makes us uncomfortable?
  • How do we follow through with it instead of falling back on our usual pattern of avoidance?

It starts with our subconscious mind.

Because the job of your subconscious mind is to keep you safe and away from pain. It perceives anything outside your familiar comfort zone as “dangerous” and will steer you away from such situations—even when your conscious self desires them.

So, how do we get our subconscious to work with us instead of against us?

We simply do the following:

  1. Uncover the limiting beliefs and programming your subconscious is holding onto.
  2. Create a new, empowering narrative that enables you to take aligned action.
  3. Teach this new identity to your subconscious, assuring it that you’re safe and capable of taking such action and being this type of person.

And it’s easier than you might think.

The formula for reprogramming your subconscious and shifting your reality is pretty simple:

Enter an altered state of consciousness, and while in that state, impress upon your subconscious mind what you want it to believe about yourself.

That’s why in this week’s edition, I’m sharing two resources that can help you do just that.

Full details are below! 👇🏻

As always, hit reply and let me know what you think and if you have any questions.


A 5-Step Framework To Uncover How Your Subconscious Is Holding You Back

If you’ve been struggling to make the changes you desire in your life, it’s likely because hidden patterns in your subconscious are holding you back. No matter how much action you take toward your desires, these deep-rooted beliefs and fears keep you stuck in the void of the familiar. And remember, as mentioned earlier, manifestation happens in the unfamiliar.

This 5-step framework will help you uncover those subconscious blocks and replace them with new, empowering beliefs, enabling you to shift your identity.

  1. Ask: “What have I been avoiding in my life?”
  2. Ask: “Why is my subconscious blocking me, specifically?”
  3. Ask: “What do these fears say about me?” These are your limiting beliefs.
  4. Transform your limiting beliefs into empowering affirmations.
  5. Wire them into your subconscious.

Free Live Guided Session: Identity Shifting Morning Practice

In the coming weeks, I am hosting a live guided session of my Identity Shifting Morning Practice—a five-point manifestation protocol designed to help you become the person you know you’re meant to be. This daily tool will support you in wiring in the habits, behaviors, and emotional states that align with your desired future.

Hit reply if you’re interested in reserving a spot, and I’ll send you the details!

7 Science-Backed Techniques for Instant Calm and Stress-Relief

Typical stress-relief methods like focusing on your breath and traditional meditation can fall short when you’re under intense pressure, leaving you searching for a way to release the tension weighing you down.

Plus, when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck, it’s nearly impossible to align with the person you desire to be and take meaningful action. Stress and tension lock us into old patterns, blocking access to the calm, creative space essential for conscious creation.

These 7 science-backed techniques will help you create an altered state of consciousness, allowing your nervous system to relax so you can access your subconscious mind. By using any of these techniques, you can begin rewiring your mind with the new empowering beliefs you uncovered by applying the 5-step framework mentioned above.

  1. Heart Coherence / Breathing
  2. Havening Touch with Eye Movements
  3. Hypoglossal Nerve Activation
  4. EFT Tapping
  5. Alternate Nostril Breathing
  6. Breath of Fire
  7. Sound Bath Meditation

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// Parting Words

One more powerful reminder to throw caution to the wind, act authentically, and step fearlessly into the unknown: 🔥

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.”

— Katherine Mansfield

With gratitude. ✌🏼

If you have any questions, feedback, or want to share some of your own insights, feel free to hit reply and let me know. I read and reply to every email.

As always, remember:

You are a Conscious Creator of your reality!
Keep creating your best self!


Anthony V. Lombardo
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You are a Conscious Creator!

Inspiration and wisdom to help you navigate your path and consciously create a life of meaning, purpose, and one that you absolutely love.

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