Take Your Power Back: A Practice To Slay Resistance

Hey there conscious creator!

An interesting question was posed to me this week:

How do I consciously create the life I desire and shift my identity to become the person I know I‘m destined to be when shit keeps happening around me that pushes me further away from that?

I love that question — because it strikes at the heart of our journey. Translation: How do you step back into your power when it feels like the outside world is messing with you?

Life is unpredictable, and we can't control external forces, other people, or many of our circumstances. Others will irritate us, disappointments will occur, and we'll encounter situations that frustrate or anger us.

It seems all too easy, almost natural, to complain about these external situations and blame others. While we need to allow ourselves to experience and process these negative emotions, we must be aware when we’re slipping into victim consciousness.

What is victim consciousness?

Victim consciousness is the belief that life happens to you, rather than you having control over your reality. It's a state where external factors seemingly determine your happiness and destiny, leaving you feeling powerless over your life experience.

Unfortunately, this is the level of consciousness most of humanity operates—and it’s the first barrier we must awaken from to step into our power as conscious creator⁠s of our reality.

The problem isn’t that we have moments where we think or feel like a victim. It’s when we stay stuck in that energy for too long. When that happens, we weaken our creative power, and it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, attracting more experiences that reaffirm our perceived victimhood.

That’s why, in this edition, we’re focusing on one of the big kahunas of spiritual growth: Releasing Resistance—a key pillar that helps us stay aligned on the path of consciously creating the highest version of ourselves.

Once again, we’ll explore this theme through:

  • One Insight.
  • One Practice.
  • One Quote.
  • One Question.

Have a great couple of weeks!

I need your advice! We all fall back into old patterns that no longer fit who we’re becoming. Old habits sneak in and pull us off our path. When that happens, what helps you reconnect with the version of yourself you're stepping into? Is it something you say to yourself, a practice that brings you back, or a conversation with a trusted friend? I'd love to hear what works for you. Hit reply and let me know. 🙏🏻

One Insight.

Start Seeing Beyond the Surface

Whatever situation you're in, no matter how difficult, mirrors your state of consciousness. It signals what you're resisting and the attachments you're clinging to, keeping you from moving freely through life.

Life always reflects the unseen.

What you see isn’t inherently good or bad. It’s merely reflecting your energetic state and it’s a gift for you to explore and evolve from.

One Practice.

Take Your Power Back As A Conscious Creator: A Practice To Dissolve Resistance

When we’re stuck, attached, or resisting the circumstances of life, our immediate reaction is to “fix” or actively remedy the situation.


The deepest answers emerge not when we're actively seeking solutions, but when we simply tune into the energy of the so-called “problem.”

This requires us to trade problem-solving for awareness.

Here’s an exercise you can do when you’re in a state of resistance, feeling like life is happening to you.

1. Radically accept “what is.“

Accept the situation fully as it is, including everything you're rejecting or wishing was different.

To ground yourself in "what is," become hyper-aware of your body in the room you're in. Acknowledge your surroundings.

2. Notice your reaction.

Zero in on your reaction. What energy does it create in you? Anxiety? Fear? Anger? What does it vibrate like?

Fully step into how you feel, acknowledging your resistance and the aspects of this situation you might be attached to.

Observe it on all levels.

Remember, we are not looking for an answer or to fix something. We are looking for awareness of energy.

3. Become aware of your judgments.

What is your overall attitude as you encounter this resistance? There’s likely something (or someone) you are judging as wrong or bad. Acknowledge what that is.

The moment we judge anything in our experience, we make it unacceptable, and that’s when problems arise for us.

So, instead of judging the situation as wrong or bad, consider how much of your energy is contributing to your negative experience.

4. Create some space.

Give your resistance some space by seeing it as an energy outside yourself.

Visualize this energy floating in front of you—and create distance between your consciousness and the resistance by imagining it drifting away from you.

Alternatively, visualize yourself in a theater, watching this energy on a movie screen, and observing it getting smaller and smaller.

5. Call back your energy.

As that energy of resistance drifts away, visualize a golden orb of energy above you. See it pouring into the crown of your head, flooding your body, and revitalizing every cell. As this energy returns to you, notice the resistance weakening, and feel yourself becoming lighter and freer.

You're redirecting that same energy that fueled your resistance, using it instead to replenish yourself and create space for freedom, awareness, and wisdom.

6. Shift your attitude by entering a neutral position.

Now, visualize your entire body brimming with vibrant energy and radiant light, completely filling your space.

Allow this replenished state of energy to return you to a neutral position.

  • How do you see the situation now?
  • Can you notice it as just an energy outside of yourself?

Again, you haven't fixed or solved anything—you've simply reclaimed your attention and energy.

7. Remember who you are.

And who are you again? You are a conscious creator⁠ of your reality. Remind yourself of that.

With this acknowledgment, you can deepen into a neutral state and take responsibility for what’s in your circle of influence and what’s not.

8. Connect with your next step.

Finally, explore how you want to respond and what your next step might be. Where do you want to put your focus? What do you want to create in your experience?

Sometimes, there might not be a clear “next step” immediately—and that’s perfectly fine. Instead, your next step could simply be to continue deepening your awareness and owning your creative power over your experience.

Can you begin to own that next step, whatever it may be?

• • •

The Power of This Practice

When we’re in resistance, part of our energy becomes entangled with the very thing we're fighting against and our judgments about it. This leaves little energy to create new experiences. Often, we try to take action to change the situation, but because our energy is depleted, it’s difficult to create something new.

This practice helps us shift our awareness and attitude, freeing up our energy so we can step back into our creative power and embrace new possibilities.

• • •

One Quote.

Raw and Flawed But So Complete

Every so often I’m convinced I tell the world too much.
Hold my heart on my sleeve, cough out my secrets, confess to my pain.
I swear to myself I won’t do it again, I’ll be all lock key, a porch with screens, elusive and safe.
Then I talk with a friend who’s all heart, all summer and June, raw and flawed but so complete and I’m reminded of how flowers thrive when they’re open to it all.
To the rain and sun, to footsteps and weeds, to changing of seasons over again.
And when someone’s looking for a sign of hope, there they are.
Blooming, despite it all.

— "June” by Hannah Ro

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One Question (And Parting Words).

Portals For Your Growth

The more we step out of victim consciousness and into our role as conscious creators of our reality, we shift from reacting to life’s challenges with fear and frustration to embracing them as portals for wisdom and growth.

Worst-case scenarios become best-case scenarios.

We no longer try to control, force, or resist what life throws our way. Instead, we trust that everything—even the tough moments—is part of our journey toward becoming the highest version of ourselves.

So, my question for you, no matter what difficulty you’re facing, is this:

What if everything that is happening is happening for you—for your greatest good even if you can't see it yet?

With gratitude. ✌🏼

If you have any questions, feedback, or want to share some of your own insights, feel free to hit reply and let me know. I read and reply to every email.

As always, remember:

You are a Conscious Creator of your reality!
Keep creating your best self!


Anthony V. Lombardo

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Inspiration and wisdom to help you navigate your path and consciously create a life of meaning, purpose, and one that you absolutely love.

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