4 Manifesting Mistakes Draining Your Power

Hey there conscious creator!

Welcome to another installment of the You Are A Conscious Creator Newsletter — where in each edition, we seek to empower you to consciously bend your reality by sharing practical tools, resources, and transformative wisdom to help you:

  • Solve stubborn life challenges and recurring problems.
  • Connect with your higher self for guidance and insight.
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind to eradicate old conditioning and break free from limitations.
  • Manifest what your heart desires.

And ultimately, to help you remember who you really are so you can create a life of meaning, purpose, and one that you absolutely love!


Big shout out and welcome to all the new readers and those who downloaded my mini eBook "The Art of Identity Shifting." Thanks for joining and being part of the collective journey! (If you are interested in checking out the e-book you can download your free copy here.)


In this edition, we are exploring:

  • The 4 major mistakes draining your power to manifest your desires
  • A simple question to ask yourself that will radically shift the way you experience your life
  • Why you're having a hard time manifesting what you desire and what you can do about it
  • A morning challenge to help you tap into your intuition and connect with your most authentic self.

Stop Micromanaging Your Manifestations: 4 Major Mistakes Draining Your Power To Get What You Desire

No one likes a micromanager.

So why bring this energy to your manifestations?

Micromanaging the details of what you’re trying to manifest is a restrictive mindset. When this happens, you inevitably become frustrated, create resistance, and BOOM, you fall out of resonance with what you are trying to manifest. While having clarity of your desired outcome is essential, being too specific in the nitty-gritty details may close doors to unexpected, yet beneficial possibilities.

Your job as a conscious creator is to define “the what” and “the why” — and leave room for all the other details to be worked out by the great magical forces of life, such as:

This short read quickly breaks down these four common pitfalls of the micromanaging manifestor.

// A hack to Train Yourself To Experience More Love 🧠

"How Much Love Can I Have In My Heart?"

Here’s a game to play with yourself today.

”How much love can I have in my heart?”

Ask this question when life presents challenges or anytime you feel uncomfortable in even the slightest of ways.

See it as a knee-jerk reaction to be more loving for the present moment and essentially for life itself.

Feeling tired? Bored? Agitated?

Time to get more loving.

Stuck in traffic?

Time to get more loving.

Arguing with your partner?

Overwhelmed at work?

Time to get more loving.

When your mind drifts, gently steer it back, and get more loving. Wherever you are emotionally, mentally, or physically—embrace it and get more loving.

If you commit to this attitude, and sincerely ask the question ”How much love can I have in my heart,” you have the ultimate tool to be one with life, navigate any storm, and radically change how you experience life.

Because when life gets uncomfortable and hard, no problem, because you get more loving.

// Understanding The Law of Resonance 🧲

2 Reasons Why You Are Unable To Manifest What You Desire And What You Can Do About It

If you are struggling to manifest something in your life right now, the reason is simple.

You are falling out of resonance with what you want.

Remember, the Universe gives you a reflection of who you are, so you must resonate vibrationally with a higher version of yourself.

While a spiritual process, manifestation is a science that involves embodying the neurophysiological state as if you already experienced what you desire. In other words, your emotional state of being needs to match your end result.

So, if you can’t connect emotionally with what you are trying to manifest, it’s likely one of two reasons:

  1. You don’t truly want what you think you want. This is likely a desire programmed to you by society or other people. Reevaluate what you want and focus on goals that are meaningful to you.
  2. Or you don’t believe it’s possible or that you are worthy to have this. If this is the case, work on your self-belief. In the meantime, set your sights on something smaller that you believe you can attain.

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// A guided audio message to start your day 🎧

Morning Challenge: Get Out Of Your Head And Into Your Heart To Align With Your Authentic Self

Our busy minds often disconnect us from our intuitive hearts.

This brief morning reflection encourages you to take a moment and inquire, "What does my heart say?"—especially in moments of apprehension, overwhelm, or anxiety. Deliberately engaging in this simple self-check at different points throughout your day evokes whispers of inner wisdom to steer your intentions, choices, and attitude.

Repeating this question realigns us with our authentic selves, beyond the limitations of our mental chatter and what the outside world asks us to be.

So, if you've ever wondered, "How can I express my true self more fully?" or "How do I move beyond the constant inner narratives and racing thoughts in my mind?"—this short audio track provides a valuable tool for self-discovery.

Listen to the track (7 min) ➜

// Parting words 🔮

The concept of connecting with your heart and most authentic self can seem a bit cliché and overly simplistic.

But these ideas speak to a larger truth.

At any given moment, we can shift how we think, what we feel, and what we choose to believe. We can tap into our very life energies that are keeping us small and use them to drastically change our experience. Within each of us lies the power to instantly reshape our internal reality, regardless of the circumstances we encounter, much like flicking on a light switch.

This is what makes us conscious creators of our reality.

Carl Jung beautifully encapsulates this notion when he suggests that within each of us resides another self, often unknown to our conscious awareness.

In each of us, there is another whom we do not know. He or she speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently they see us from the way we see ourselves. When, therefore, we find ourselves in a difficult situation to which there is no solution, that other can sometimes kindle a light that radically alters our attitude - the very attitude that led us into the difficult situation.
— Carl Jung

The true challenge lies not in discovering the answers, but in remembering you are the answer.

With gratitude. ✌🏼

If you have any questions, feedback, or want to share some of your own insights, feel free to hit reply and let me know. I read and reply to every email.

As always, remember:

You are a Conscious Creator of your reality!
Keep creating your best self!


Anthony V. Lombardo

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P.S. Take my short Meditation Survey. 🧘🏻‍♂️

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You are a Conscious Creator!

Inspiration and wisdom to help you navigate your path and consciously create a life of meaning, purpose, and one that you absolutely love.

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